A technique to prepare, follow up or harmonize all necessary processes (also proliferation, cell building and regeneration) at all levels. It is very pleasant, humans can let themselves relax, fall and enjoy and their systems will work better afterwards than before.
It is recommended for Mums and Dads during pregnancy, pueriperium and nursing period, but also during phases of grief, stress and other emotional imbalances like continuing sadness.
The technique is performed very softly and calmly, lovingly and without any pressure (respecting your privacy). It is specially designed so that you may relax. A gem and, if desired, a blend of the used essential oils may be taken home to support you during everyday life.
Session Joy and Blessings for Grown-Ups: $ 140 (inkl. gem to take home) for the initial session
Follow-up sessions each $ 22 less; but at least $ 70
The corresponding technique for children from birth to six years of age can rectify many things and bring supportive order.
The technique is performed very softly and calmly, lovingly and without any pressure (respecting the child’s privacy and in the presence of a carer). The child may move and play during the session and can also help.
Session Joy and Blessings for Children: $ 70 an hour, depending on actual duration (incl. gem to take home, unless the mother already has one)
Sessaion takes approx. 30 minutes on average.
These two seminars are always taught together.
Seminar duration: 2 days
Seminar fee: $ 240